Children's Ministry at Zion
At Zion Church our young children experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a biblical and engaging way.
We have multiple opportunities for children to connect with other kids their age and grow in their faith together on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.
Our trained teachers and volunteers love sharing God's love and truth with all children. We are glad you are here!
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School is available for potty trained children aged 3 years through 5th grade. Children meet in the gym downstairs during the education hour for a time of singing. Each class (Preschool, Kindergarten/First, Second/Third, Fourth/Fifth) then goes to their classroom for a Bible lesson and activities. Parents or guardians pick children up from their respective Sunday School classes.
Children's Church
Children’s Church is available during the service for children ages 3-5. Children will be dismissed before the Scripture reading and will return to the sanctuary during the singing of the last hymn.
Wednesday Nights
*We are currently on break and will resume with Connection on January 29, 2025
Zion Kids Club is part of our Wednesday night gathering during Zion Connection classes for adults. Kids aged 3 through 5th grade meet for a time of singing, teaching, games, and Scripture memory. Parents can drop off their children in the Loft for classes that start at 7:00pm, and pick them up at 8:00pm.
Got questions?
If you have further questions concerning our Zion Kids experience or visiting Zion Church with children, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!