Men's and Women's Groups

Join our men's and women's studies to dig deeper into God's Word together and gather for fellowship

Women's Bible Study

Tuesday Mornings

Join us on Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00am!

Men's Bible Study

All men are invited to the Thursday morning Men's Bible Study. We meet at 6:30am at Zion in the Coffee House and on Zoom. Ruling elder Lee Grossman is leading a study on the Gospel of Luke.

Men's Monthly Meals

Men are also invited to share a meal on the first Wednesday of each month:

  • Breakfast: Meet at 6:30am at Engine House Cafe (6028 Havelock Ave)
  • Lunch: Meet at noon at Hiway Diner (2105 Hwy 2)

Come to one or the other - or both if you can!